Before the beginning
God created God
In the beginning
God created the ghettos & slums
and God saw this was good.
So God said,
"Let there be more ghettos & slums"
and there were more ghettos & slums.
But God saw this was plain
to decorate it
God created leadbase paint and then
God commanded the rivers of garbage & filth
to flow gracefully through the ghettos.
On the third day
because on the second day God was out of town
On the third day
God's nose was running
& his jones was coming down and God
in his all knowing wisdom
knew he was sick
he needed a fix
so God
created the backyards of the ghettos
& the alleys of the slums
in heroin & cocaine
with his divine wisdom & grace
God created hepatitis
who begat lockjaw
who begat malaria
who begat degradation
who begat
and God knew this was good
in fact God knew things couldn't git better
but he decided to try anyway
On the fourth day
God was riding around Harlem in a gypsy cab
when he created the people
and he created these beings in ethnic proportion
but he saw the people lonely & hungry
and from his eminent rectum
he created a companion for these people
and he called this companion
who begat racism
who begat exploitation
who begat male chauvinism
who begat machismo
who begat imperialism
who begat colonialism
who begat wall street
who begat foreign wars
and God knew
and God saw
and God felt this was extra good
and God said
On the fifth day
the people kneeled
the people prayed
the people begged
and this manifested itself in a petition
a letter to the editor
to know why? WHY? WHY? qué pasa babyyyyy?????
and God said,
"My fellow subjects
let me make one thing perfectly clear
by saying this about that:
NO . . .. . .. . ..COMMENT!"
but on the sixth day God spoke to the people
he said . . . "PEOPLE!!!
the ghettos & the slums
& all the other great things I've created
will have dominion over thee
and then
he commanded the ghettos & slums
and all the other great things he created
to multiply
and they multiplied
On the seventh day God was tired
so he called in sick
collected his overtime pay
a paid vacation included
But before God got on that t. w. a.
for the sunny beaches of Puerto Rico
He noticed his main man Satan
planting the learning trees of consciousness
around his ghetto edens
so God called a news conference
on a state of the heavens address
on a coast to coast national t. v. hook up
and God told the people
to be
and the people were cool
and the people kept cool
and the people are cool
and the people stay cool
and God said
Vaya . .…
God created God
In the beginning
God created the ghettos & slums
and God saw this was good.
So God said,
"Let there be more ghettos & slums"
and there were more ghettos & slums.
But God saw this was plain
to decorate it
God created leadbase paint and then
God commanded the rivers of garbage & filth
to flow gracefully through the ghettos.
On the third day
because on the second day God was out of town
On the third day
God's nose was running
& his jones was coming down and God
in his all knowing wisdom
knew he was sick
he needed a fix
so God
created the backyards of the ghettos
& the alleys of the slums
in heroin & cocaine
with his divine wisdom & grace
God created hepatitis
who begat lockjaw
who begat malaria
who begat degradation
who begat
and God knew this was good
in fact God knew things couldn't git better
but he decided to try anyway
On the fourth day
God was riding around Harlem in a gypsy cab
when he created the people
and he created these beings in ethnic proportion
but he saw the people lonely & hungry
and from his eminent rectum
he created a companion for these people
and he called this companion
who begat racism
who begat exploitation
who begat male chauvinism
who begat machismo
who begat imperialism
who begat colonialism
who begat wall street
who begat foreign wars
and God knew
and God saw
and God felt this was extra good
and God said
On the fifth day
the people kneeled
the people prayed
the people begged
and this manifested itself in a petition
a letter to the editor
to know why? WHY? WHY? qué pasa babyyyyy?????
and God said,
"My fellow subjects
let me make one thing perfectly clear
by saying this about that:
NO . . .. . .. . ..COMMENT!"
but on the sixth day God spoke to the people
he said . . . "PEOPLE!!!
the ghettos & the slums
& all the other great things I've created
will have dominion over thee
and then
he commanded the ghettos & slums
and all the other great things he created
to multiply
and they multiplied
On the seventh day God was tired
so he called in sick
collected his overtime pay
a paid vacation included
But before God got on that t. w. a.
for the sunny beaches of Puerto Rico
He noticed his main man Satan
planting the learning trees of consciousness
around his ghetto edens
so God called a news conference
on a state of the heavens address
on a coast to coast national t. v. hook up
and God told the people
to be
and the people were cool
and the people kept cool
and the people are cool
and the people stay cool
and God said
Vaya . .…
By Miguel Piñero
*Este texto es parte de esas cosas que aprendo de mis alumnos. Para leer en voz alta.
12 comentarios:
Sí, es para leer en voz alta. El contenido ni me vino ni me fue. Un día me lo leés vos con tu inglés, porque si yo lo leo con el mío me tiro todo. Queda en caleño y no, terrible.
Debe quedar en voz de predicador newyorican. Que se parece más al caleño que la rolo.
«and God knew
and God saw
and God felt this was extra good
and God said
Creo que esta es mi parte favorita y por alguna extraña razón si tuviera ritmo sería ragamufy (no se si así se escribe) es un poquito mas denso que el reggae, que para mi es el verdadero gospel...
«and this manifested itself in a petition
a letter to the editor
to know why? WHY? WHY? qué pasa babyyyyy?????»
Y esta es mi segunda fav, pero es por que me identifico totalmente hoy con esta plegaria!
Qué bueno que volviste a mi blog.
Mi parte favorita es el final. E insisto, hay que leerlo en voz alta con acento newyorican.
Mi alumno lo usó para hacer su trabajo final y la verdad el libro le quedó buenísimo. No usó todo el texto porque la traducción que encontró era más corta y, claro, mucho más límitada en cuanto a imágenes y lenguaje. De todas formas, hizo unas ilustraciones una chimba.
Deberías poner imágenes de tus alumnos acá.
Yo no entendi todo, solamente un pequeño porcentaje, pero creo que esto tiene su pequeño parecido y es muy bacano.
Far away eyes
Ahí cantando el cantante cambia su acento, pero no se como se llama ese acento, lo que si se es que no es newyorican. O hasta si sera newyorican.
"I was driving home early sunday morning through bakersfield
Listening to gospel music on the colored radio station
And the preacher said, you know you always have the
Lord by your side
And I was so pleased to be informed of this that I ran
Twenty red lights in his honor
Thank you jesus, thank you lord..."
Ay, qué buena canción. Hace rato no la oía. Qué bueno, Juan David, que te acordaste y la pusiste acá.
Y empezar con el domingo en la mañana... es que los domingos son tan complicados. Creo que cambié de tema, pero voy a poner el link a una canción que ya había comentado acá, pero es que es muy buena.
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Johnny Cash.
¿para vos porque son complicados los domingos?.
Para mi son complicados porque siempre estoy atrasado en el trabajo y ese dia me debo desatrasar, asi todos los domingos, obviamente a las 6:00pm no he hecho nada y ni salgo ni trabajo ni nada.
Menos este que viene, este domingo que viene si me va a rendir mucho, es mas, desde mañana me va a rendir mucho.
Juan David, no había contestado la pregunta de los domingos porque estaba en una mudanza transcontinental temporal y estoy un poco enloquecida. Pero son complicados porque es cuando más siento el paso del tiempo, y los silencios y el guayabo... aunque me gustan cuando estoy con amigos. Son complicados de vez en cuando. Ayer no fue un domingo complicado, pero tuve sueños de esos que uno tiene antes del primer día de colegio.
¿Y a ti por qué te va a rendir más?
Porque voy a estar juicioso sin entrar a leer los mismos blogs todo el dia. Claro que eso lo dije la semana pasada, pero pospuse un poco ese proyecto de juicio y voy a arrancar mañana, nunca es tarde para empezar un proyecto.
Que pena, ¿como se dice pospuse?, que palabra para si se vea fea, ¿postpuse?, no me suena tampoco. Hubiera dicho aplacé. Pero bueno. No crea a mi si me da pena mi mala ortografía, hoy escribí como 10 veces el apellido Mutis con Z, que pena.
Es pospuse. Lo habías puesto bien. Vos no tenés tan mala ortografía.
¡¡Caro!! ¿Cómo fue tu primer día de colegio? Escríbeme un mail o pon una entrada contando o algo.
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